Who am I
I am Antonis Raptis. I come from a family of chefs!
During my childhood, my parents owned the most known restaurant on the west coast of Greece, and since I can remember myself, I was somewhere in the middle of a buzzing kitchen amongst smells, tastes, and ingredients.
Cooking became for me the way to connect with people and create connections beyond cultures, sharing the common joy for living.
Growing up, I lived and worked in more than 25 countries, training in different cooking techniques and dietary approaches. In Amsterdam, I studied macrobiotic cooking at the Kushi Institute, while in India I explored the Ayuverdic tradition of holistic diets. Since I led my first kitchen team at BANFF center in Canada in my early twenties, I have worked as a chef in various set-ups, from hotels and restaurants to catering and retreat centers around the world. My cooking style has grown to be a fusion of Eastern and Mediterranean flavors, blending macrobiotic and ayuverdic principles, with exotic twists and seasonal herbs.
Nowadays, I spend most of my time in Greece, on the island of Lefkada, where I run my two businesses: the Foodpath, two holistic retreat centers offering accommodation, workshops and trainings, and My Guru Chef, offering private dinners, catering and local culinary experiences.
Why I am here
My Guru Chef came from my need to offer personalized cooking experiences for groups of people who wish to connect with food in a more conscious way. Food is for me a medicine, which, when prepared and received in the right way, it can nurture not only the body, but also the soul. When I cook for smaller groups, I look to offer a holistic experience, bonding with the people, adapting to the moment and place, offering what is needed and what serves the group. Next to the good ingredients, I put my full heart and energy, conscious thoughts, and meditation techniques to create a truthful body-mind-spirit experience.
As much as I care for good food, I care for our Mother Earth, and I only work with local friends suppliers who provide me with fruit and vegetables grown in organic farms of the region, fresh caught fish, and meat, as well as poultry and eggs from trusted local farmers.